Call For Participation: Free Culture Research Workshop 2009

El 23 de octubre de 2009 se realizar en Boston el Free Culture Research Workshop 2009. Los organizadores este ao son el Berkman Center for Internet & Society / Harvard University con apoyo adicional del Centro NEXA del Politecnico di Torino e iCommons. Al igual que en el evento inicial desarrollado en Japn, formar parte del Comite Acadmico del Programa y desde ‘Bienes Comunes Asociacin Civil’ este ao tambin estaremos trabajando para la iniciativa. Hace unas horas se lanz el Call For Participation. Este ao el workshop se vuelve a centrar en la “librecultura / cultura libre” e invita a presentar investigaciones, papers y nuevos enfoques acadmicos sobre:

* Studies on the use and growth of open/free licensing models
* Critical analyses of the role of Creative Commons or similar models in promoting a Free Culture
* Building innovative technical, legal, organizational, or business solutions and interfaces between the sharing economy and the commercial economy
* Modeling incentives, innovation and community dynamics in open collaborative peer production and in related social networks
* Economic models for the sustainability of commons-based production
* Successes and failures of open licensing
* Analyses of policies, court rulings or industry moves that influence the future of Free Culture
* Regional studies of Free Culture with global lessons/implications
* Lessons from implementations of open/free licensing and distribution models for specific communities
* Definitions of openness and freedom for different media types, users and communities
* Broader sociopolitical, legal and cultural implications of Free Culture initiatives and peer production practices
* Free Culture, Memory Institutions and the broader Public Sector
* Open Science/ Research/ Education
* Cooperation theory and practice, dynamics of cooperation and competition
* Methodological approaches for studying the characteristics, history, impact or growth of Free Culture

El evento estar organizado en diferentes sesiones orientadas a la discusin, intercambio y generacin de ideas. Las fechas claves son: [1] envio de los ensayos el 9 de agosto, [2] la notificacin de la aceptacin el 23 de agosto, y [3] el da 23 de octubre se realizar el evento. Para obtener ms informacin no duden en visitar la pgina o en contactarnos a travs de Bienes Comunes.